Aes Sedai Guild of Swtor
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Stats information

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Post  Jayranger Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:52 am

I have heard some asking about what each stat does so here is info on each stat.

Primary Stats

Strength - Increases your melee power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate
This is the primary stat of the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior.

Aim - Increases your ranged power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate
This is the primary stat of the Trooper and Bounty Hunter.

Cunning - Increases your tech power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate
This is the primary statistic of the Imperial Agent and Smuggler.

Willpower - Increases your force power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate
This is the primary stat of the Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular.

Endurance - Increases your character's HP

Presence - Boosts your companion's health, dps and healing

Expertise - Increases the amount of damage and healing done as well as reduces the amount of damage you take in PvP combat. This stat appears on every PvP set.

Secondary Stats

Power - Gives melee, force and tech damage & healing

Force/Tech Power - Gives only force or tech power

Alacrity - Increases the haste for ability casting/channeling

Critical Rating - Increases melee, force and tech crit rating

Accuracy - Gives +hit chance. Once you reach the hit cap, accuracy starts reducing enemy defenses (ability to parry/dodge your incoming attack) or resistance to force or tech abilities.

Absorption - Increases the probability of damage absorbed

Surge - Increases the critical hit (damage/healing) bonus

Armor - Reduces physical and kinetic damage (Kinetic=Tech and Force powers)

Defense - Increases Parry/Deflect (Deflect is a ranged parry)

Shield - Increases chance to be shielded on attack

Glance Rating - Block Rating


Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-02-23

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